
Adrián Marcelo alburea a Galilea Montijo en La-Casa de-los Famosos| Telediario México

Adrián Marcelo alburea a Galilea Montijo en La-Casa de-los Famosos| Telediario México

The nominations gala has been featured extensively in the following years of the reality show, starting with the nominations format a year ago and several elements that prepared the production for the housemates and focused on the main focus of the conversation.

Yes, before the nomination round has begun, Galilea Montijo Buscó conocó las impressions de algunos de los possibles nominados, iniciando por Adrian MarceloOne of the entrevistados, quien aprovechó the ocasión para alburearla.

What was Adrián Marcelo’s comment on Galilea?

Fue during the first connection Galilea Montijo with the habitants of the Donde House, the Lider of the Tierra Quarter, Adrian MarceloWhen I set out to draw the attention of production to the change in the calm in the house, he maintained harmony in the possible medication. Without embargo, that's it expected was the albur When Adrián Marcelo devoted himself to Galilee, he was provoked by the inhabitants La Casa de los Famosos México.

“Bendito Dios with a little more armonia. “Creo quedamos gente muy madura aquí antro y amén de que ustedes y la producción aquí adentro se encargan de tratar de alborotar el avispero, pues hay dialogue, hay conciencia y bueno, veremos los huevos qué Nos deparan…”, comes from Adrián Marcelo .

At the beginning of his career, Adrián Marcelo took advantage of the presence of the Huevos to finish his intervention with a Albur dirigido to Galilea Montijo. Aunque su commentario fue sutil, su conocida Inclination of the double spirit I suspect that your intention was to appeal to the residents of the house as you would to the public.

“On an animal level, we realize that this week can be good for us, but well, we have a great opportunity. Trust the Lord and above all and these great things that you have put out the door, Gali,” he said.

How do I vote to save Adrián Macrelo?

If you want to vote for this save to Adrián Marcelo With the sea eliminated, only a few days have passed to allow voting, enter the official site of La Casa de los Famosos México or you can leave your mobile phone Scan QR code It will take place during the pre-, post- and post-galas realized by the millions or during the broadcast ViX+.

The public only has the opportunity to use it choose onceHowever, this does not apply to all persons who are users of the ViX+ streaming platform 10 opportunities per day.

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