
“Someone like that is angry at everyone”

“Someone like that is angry at everyone”

  1. Mannheim24
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  3. Consumer Magazine

Irritated neighbors can be capable of absurd acts, such as covering up a “Children Playing” sign they put up themselves with notes.

Munich – The younger generation is often criticized for spending too much time in front of their screens at home. So children playing on the streets are a revelation, aren't they? For one neighbor, it seems to be sheer horror, if you believe the note of defiance he stuck over a “children playing” sign he put up himself. The youth on the street also don't have much to laugh about.

“Children playing” sign simply covered with a note: “How shitty must it be for someone?”

A warning to drivers with the words: “Slow down! Children playing”. The sign, which is attached to a wooden pole, shows laughing children on roller skates or running. The request is addressed to drivers; the sign is not an official sign for the unknown place, but rather one from concerned parents who probably think that things are going too fast. Time and again, concerned parents worry about notes, such as the one from little Vincent, or photos, such as the one of a kindergarten mother having a snack. Sometimes it may sound exaggerated, but in the case of the children playing, it is simply considerate.

The cute, colorful sign made a neighbor so angry that he sat down in front of the computer, wrote a message, printed it out, and stuck it over the sign. This train of thought was summed up by a user on Reddit, where the photo was posted: “How bad do you have to be to not only get really upset about a sign like that, but to take the time to write a note, print it, and stick it there?” There was similar excitement about a pub that only accepts cash – or “Krügerrands.”

“Move to play streets”: Angry neighbor covers up sign

The defiant note above the play sign reads: “Just take your children to play streets instead of bothering the neighborhood with signs like this.” The anger about having to drive slowly seems to be deeply rooted in German genes. Speed ​​limit, and on my street too? “Not with me,” the author must have thought, and continues: “Other children have survived here without signs like this.” It's all a question of upbringing.”

Of course, a self-erected play street sign is not part of the road traffic regulations, but the request to slow down a bit seems to quickly make many people lose their temper. “Park your kids in front of the TV,” one user on Reddit gloats. Another ironically adds an alternative: “Don't even think about creating better conditions for your children.” Other children have had a shitty life here too!”

Play street sign covered with note – users agree: “How can m be so disgusting?”

“Someone who writes a note like that and sticks it on doesn't have any children themselves and just doesn't want anything to change and is always angry at everything and everyone.” “At least that's what I think, why else would a sign like that upset someone so much?” asks one member of the community. The community has already talked about a similar problem at a farm birthday party and started an Alman discussion.

But yes, almost everyone seems to be of the same opinion about the street sign. One comment rounds off the discussion: “The fact that someone takes the time to understand something like that and sticks a sign over it, in my opinion, shows a lot of pent-up anger.” But how someone can be so disgusting is a real mystery to me…”. (Ank)

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