
Property crime in Kelowna continues to decline while assault and robbery increase – Kelowna News

Property crime in Kelowna continues to decline while assault and robbery increase – Kelowna News

Property crime in Kelowna continues to decline, following a trend that began a year ago.

The crime statistics for the first half of the year show a significant decline in property crimes in all areas, with the exception of arson, which has increased dramatically.

Figures from a quarterly report to be presented to City Council on Monday show that the overall property crime rate per 100,000 residents fell 11 percent in 2023. Since 2022, the rate has fallen 26 percent.

In her report to the council, Superintendent Kara Triance explains that the sharp decline in property crimes is due in part to the task forces' “increasing and relentless focus on repeat offenders.”

“The Kelowna RCMP is a leader in the Provincial Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative and has launched a repeat property crime management program specifically designed for Kelowna,” writes Traince.

“The significant cuts in 2023, which will continue into 2024, show that we are on the right path.

“By continuing to target identified repeat offenders, there is reason to hope that this type of crime will continue to occur less frequently.”

Specifically, the report shows that the number of burglaries at commercial premises has decreased by 40 percent, bicycle thefts by 30 percent, thefts from motor vehicles by 19 percent, shoplifting by 18 percent and burglaries at residential buildings by 10 percent.

All of these are ongoing trends that begin in 2022.

Arson had declined significantly in 2023, but increased by 81 percent in the first half of 2024; 121 cases of arson were reported.

However, Triance noted that improved reporting procedures at the Kelowna Fire Department have contributed greatly to the increase.

“There is an active collaboration with the KFD to investigate these incidents and to support the education of the public on safe fire safety practices.

“The aim is to reduce the number of arson incidents and increase public safety.”

While there has been a decline in property crime, violent crimes such as robbery and assault have increased by 27 percent and eight percent respectively.

“Many of these incidents occur outside of residential and commercial environments and often involve people experiencing vulnerabilities such as homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse,” Triance says.

“Police investigate crimes thoroughly and work closely with homeless, mental health and substance abuse service providers to address the factors that increase their vulnerability and thus reduce the risk of violence.”

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