
Man survived lightning strike, shark attack and snake bite and reported the horrific injuries he suffered

Man survived lightning strike, shark attack and snake bite and reported the horrific injuries he suffered

A man who was struck by lightning, attacked by a shark and bitten by a snake has revealed which injury was the most painful.

Erik Norrie has had a pretty difficult time when it comes to near-death experiences.

The Florida guy has been “beaten by monkeys” twice, struck by lightning, bitten by a snake, and attacked by a shark, so it's fair to say that Norrie is the “unluckiest person in the world” because of his ability to get into potentially deadly situations.

Or maybe if you're the kind of person who always sees the glass half full, you'd call him the “luckiest man in the world,” given the fact that he managed to live through so many traumatic experiences and live to tell about them.

For Erik Norrie, near-death experiences are nothing new (Fox News)

So when was Norrie closest to death? Was it the moment the sky opened and a bolt of electricity struck him? Or was it perhaps the bite of a rattlesnake?

It turned out that it was the encounter with the shark that made him most fear for his life.

Norrie recalls the incident, which occurred in 2013 while he was fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas. He said he felt something grab hold of his leg as he swam back to the boat where his wife, father-in-law and four daughters were after snorkeling and spearfishing.

“When I look back, [the shark] had just finished biting me, broke free and swam away, and you could see a piece of my leg in its mouth,” he told Fox Tampa Bay.

He continued: “I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was a huge pool of blood all around me and the shark was swimming through all the blood looking around for more.”

The shark then began to circle the pool of blood, whereupon Norrie's father-in-law jumped into the water and defended him.

He later said the encounter with the shark was the scariest for him (Fox News)

He later said the encounter with the shark was the scariest for him (Fox News)

“[It was] pretty brave of him,” Norrie added.

After escaping the water, Norrie tied rubber bands around his leg to stop the bleeding while his family radioed for help. A doctor vacationing in the area was then able to come to his aid before he was taken to a U.S. hospital to perform skin grafts.

“It was a rough ride. I really thought I was going to die,” he said, adding that it was his most terrifying encounter with nature.

However, the horrific attack has not made Norrie more afraid of the great outdoors

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