
Horoscope: Love drama! Heartbreak awaits this star sign

Horoscope: Love drama! Heartbreak awaits this star sign

Ah, love can be so beautiful! But where emotions reign, it can also be damn painful. The horoscope predicts a real love drama for three signs of the zodiac in the autumn.

Nothing is as multifaceted as love: if you're just floating on cloud nine, you can sometimes come crashing down to earth quicker than you think. Especially if the love isn't reciprocated and the person you love gives you the cold shoulder. But anyone who is cheated on in a relationship also has to deal with a lot of heartache. The horoscope knows which star signs it's autumn for, so it's not good for love.

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Desire can end in disaster

Autumn 2024 is mainly characterized by the planet Venus. This promotes harmony and romance, among other things. The vibrations ensure that you will long for a relationship even more in the coming months. But for three zodiac signs, this desire can end in absolute disaster!

Dear Capricorn, get ready for a tough phase! As bitter as it may sound: you will face a major relationship crisis with your sweetheart this autumn! Sad: According to your earth sign, your partner will not be honest with you – ouch! But don't jump to conclusions and end the relationship. It's better to have a clear conversation first. Then everything might still be OK.

This zodiac sign also has a hard time ahead of it

Things are looking bleak for all lovers with the star sign Aquarius. You are currently very unhappy in your relationship. Pink clouds? Not to be expected! In the autumn, the situation will come to a head dramatically – there will be a big bang! But that could also be a sign for you to finally make a fresh start. Make something of it.

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Dear Sagittarius, you also have to be very strong now: An unpleasant surprise awaits you in the love affair in the autumn. You could feel lied to and betrayed. That will hurt, of course. You will find healing in a clarifying conversation.

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