
Similar to mother Kris Jenner: Kendall Jenner: Drastic hairstyle change

Similar to mother Kris Jenner: Kendall Jenner: Drastic hairstyle change

Kendall Jenner swaps her long, dark hair for a cheeky bob. The new look reminds the model of her mother Kris Jenner.

Kendall Jenner (28) amazes with a completely new look: The internationally celebrated model has freed herself from her full head of hair, as can be seen in the latest Calvin Klein commercial.

In the video, which was created in a grainy retro style and released on Wednesday (September 4), Kendall Jenner played against a stunning holiday backdrop of a shimmering sea, a white wall and a windy convertible ride. She can be seen in a dress, a shirt or an oversized blazer, always wearing boots – and showing off her completely new haircut.

For the shot, her dark hair was cut into a chic bob that only reaches her ears. Fringes of varying lengths complete the daring look.

“She looks so much like her mother in it!”

The fresh cut is not only reminiscent of the 90s, but also of a close relative: With the new hairstyle, Jenner looks strikingly similar to her mother Kris Jenner (68). Her mother's short hairstyle is ultimately her unmistakable feature. Among the comments on the video, which she also shared in excerpts on her Instagram profile, it says, for example: “You pulled off a total Kris number in this shoot.” Kris Jenner herself is also enraptured: “Oh, I love your hair!” she adds with a smiley face with heart eyes.

The new look of Gigi Hadid's (29) half-sister is also being celebrated frenetically on YouTube: Jenner is described as “perfect”, “queen” or “the only woman who could make me gay”. One user suggests giving Jenner a role as a Bond girl. Another much-liked comment also writes: “She looks so much like her mother in this!”

By (mia/spot)

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