
Interior Ministry spares investigation into Afghan asylum seeker who posed as a child and later committed murder

Interior Ministry spares investigation into Afghan asylum seeker who posed as a child and later committed murder

In January 2022, authorities held a meeting where they confirmed that an age assessment would be carried out because Abdulrahimzai had “brought women back to his accommodation” and refused to attend school or undertake any training.

On the evening of March 10, about 30 hours before the stabbing attack on Roberts, police received a call about a teenager carrying a machete-like knife in public.

The autopsy report states that when police went to his address to speak to Abdulrahimzai, the gates were locked. Police saw an employee sleeping at his desk, but did not gain entry and no further action was taken.

Abdulrahimzai's fingerprints were not sent to Interpol until after Roberts' death, which led to the revelation in September 2022 that he had been convicted of a double murder in Serbia.

On the night of July 31, 2018, Abdulrahimzai entered a shed on farmland on the outskirts of Dobrinci where a group of refugees were staying and cold-bloodedly shot two Afghan men with an assault rifle.

Roberts' family had previously accused the Border Protection Agency and the Home Office of systematic errors that allowed Abdulrahimzai to enter the country.

They had pinned their hopes on a full investigation into Roberts' death to publicly expose the failings and ask questions of the officials involved.

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