
Kelliher woman suffers serious injuries after campfire explosion on Labor Day weekend

Kelliher woman suffers serious injuries after campfire explosion on Labor Day weekend

KELLIHER – Melissa Krogseng of Kelliher was injured in a campfire explosion while camping with her family near Hibbing on Aug. 30.

On a GoFundMe page to support her recovery, Krogseng's daughters stated: “Like most people, our parents were looking forward to a long holiday weekend. Spending Labor Day with family and friends and doing what they love: camping and horseback riding. Unfortunately, Mom had an incredibly bad accident involving a campfire explosion.”

The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office reported that an accelerant caused the campfire to explode.

Marvin Theisen, 53, of Hibbing, died as a result of the incident, and seven other people suffered minor to serious injuries.

“Mom, being a quick thinker, knew she had to curl up and put out the water,” the GoFundMe campaign states. “Then she took a shower until emergency services arrived. When emergency services arrived, she realized the seriousness of the situation.”

Krogseng suffered burns to her face, neck, arm, abdomen, legs and feet. She was taken to a local hospital where she was intubated and flown by helicopter to a Level 1 trauma center.

She remained in the emergency room on Friday, August 30th and Saturday, August 31st before being transferred to the intensive care unit. On Sunday, September 1st, she was extubated and was able to breathe on her own again, but was still in pain.

On Tuesday, Krogseng was transferred from the intensive care unit to the burn unit.

“The care team saw the plastic surgeon (on Tuesday),” the GoFundMe page states. “He has decided to have a skin graft to help with healing. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, after which the doctor is asking for a week of recovery in the hospital. We are hoping mom can go home sometime next week.”

Anyone wishing to support Krogseng's recovery can donate to the GoFundMe page “Support Melissa's Recovery After Camp Fire Accident.” As of Wednesday morning, nearly $7,400 had been raised of the family's $15,000 goal.

“Many have asked how they can help. First and foremost, we ask that you please keep her in your thoughts and prayers,” the page reads. “Additionally, if you would like to help, she and her father will be as it is not yet known how long they will be unable to work and bills and expenses unfortunately are not due due to these incidents, so anything would be appreciated. Thank you for all your love and support.”

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