
What is behind the motorway sign abbreviation GVZ?

What is behind the motorway sign abbreviation GVZ?

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Traffic signs can sometimes cause more confusion than clarity. The shorter GVZ is a mystery to many drivers. But there is an important facility behind it.

There are a large number of traffic signs along the German motorways. While the information about the locations and numbers of the highways is clear to drivers, others cause confusion. These include a red dot with an arrow and a blue sign with a wrench. And the inscription GVZ on a white box is not familiar to everyone either.

Mysterious abbreviation explained: GVZ refers to goods distribution centers

This is an abbreviation that stands for “freight traffic center.” In other words, it is a facility that is of crucial importance for the logistics industry. Freight traffic centers are complex logistics transfer points that optimize the transport and distribution of goods.

References to the goods distribution centres can be found again and again on the motorway signs. © Panthermedia/Imago

In these centers, goods are not only stored, but also transferred from one mode of transport to another – for example from truck to rail or vice versa. This multimodality makes the freight villages efficient interfaces in freight transport.

Goods distribution centers are spread nationwide

There are 35 freight transport centers in Germany, spread across the entire country. Only Hamburg and Saarland have no freight transport centers, as a map from the German Freight Transport Association (DGG) shows. The density in the southwest is therefore not as high as in the rest of Germany.

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Signage and the use of symbols such as GVZ on German motorways are strictly regulated. These regulations are laid down in the Guidelines for Wayfinding Signs (RWB) and the Special Guideline for Motorways (RWBA). They guarantee that road users can more easily find important logistics centres and understand what is behind abbreviations such as GVZ.

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