
Family of British aid worker killed in Gaza Strip calls for independent investigation

Family of British aid worker killed in Gaza Strip calls for independent investigation

The family of a British aid worker killed in an Israeli drone strike in the Gaza Strip have called on the government to launch an independent investigation into his death.

James Kirby, 47, from Bristol, was one of seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) employees fatally injured in the attack, including two other Britons.

The group was travelling in a WCK convoy and leaving one of its warehouses when armed Israeli drones fired munitions at the vehicles marked as targets on April 1 of this year.

A memorial service for Mr Kirby, who formerly served with the Rifles, will be held in his home town of Bristol on Wednesday.

Ahead of the service, his cousin Louise Kirby described how “touched” the family had been by the personal letters of condolence from the royal couple and former Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron.

She said: “The murder of James and his fellow aid workers, whose humanitarian work was approved, is a diabolical tragedy.

“Although we have received a lot of support, we still find it difficult to find answers and demand responsibility for what happened.

“The State of Israel says the murder was an accident. Therefore, we were surprised that neither the Israeli ambassador in London nor any Israeli official contacted us or offered condolences.

“The family of a loved one who was killed needs closure. We need to understand how this disaster could have happened.”

“But this is not just about us.

“This is about how the UK looks after its own citizens and their families when a British citizen has been unlawfully killed by another state.

“This attack on innocent aid workers must be properly and independently investigated. The evidence must be examined by a competent court if necessary.”

The British John Chapman (57) and James “Jim” Henderson (33) were also killed in the attack.

The leader of the aid team, 43-year-old Australian Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom, also died, as did 33-year-old American-Canadian Jacob Flickinger, 35-year-old Polish citizen Damian Sobol, and their driver, 25-year-old Palestinian Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others, saying it was a “serious mistake.”

Ms Kirby said the families of the victims had not received any contact from the British Government since the deaths.

They also had no information on whether a “credible, independent investigation was taking place” or on the results of any investigation, if one had already taken place, she added.

She said: “We appreciate the compassion and respect that has been shown to us, but we also need to show transparency and accountability. How could this happen? Who is responsible? What responsibility have they been given?”

“Simply saying, 'I'm sorry, it was an accident' is not enough. We need to know, and we need to know that responsibility has been taken at all levels to ensure that something like this never happens again.”

Ms Kirby added: “I very much hope that the Prime Minister takes our concerns seriously and launches a proper, independent or legal investigation, not only so that we have transparency and accountability, but also so that other British citizens and their families know that their Government will act on their behalf if a foreign state unlawfully kills their loved ones.”

In a statement, a government spokesman called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

They said: “The deaths of James and his fellow helpers were horrific and our thoughts are with their families.

“Attacks on aid workers are never justified and we remain fully committed to protecting them as they support some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

“There must be an immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and aid workers, secure the release of all hostages and ensure that significantly more aid reaches Gaza.

“Israel must guarantee the protection of aid workers and ensure that a tragedy like this cannot happen again.”

A spokesman for the Israeli embassy said: “This incident was a tragic mistake and we extend our deepest condolences to the family of James Kirby, the other bereaved families, including those of John Chapman and James Henderson, and the entire team at World Central Kitchen who did such important work under extremely difficult circumstances.

“As the Israel Defense Forces Fact-Finding and Assessment Mechanism (FFAM) found in a comprehensive independent investigation following the incident, a serious failure occurred due to misidentification and errors in decision-making.

“In view of this, a brigade fire support commander and a brigade chief of staff were dismissed.

“We once again express our deepest condolences and sorrow to the families of the bereaved and the WCK team.”

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