
Met responds to publication of Grenfell Tower public inquiry report

Met responds to publication of Grenfell Tower public inquiry report

The public inquiry into Grenfell Tower, chaired by Sir Martin Moore-Bick, has today published its final report, examining the causes of the fire, including how it was able to spread.

Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said: “The publication of today's inquiry report is a significant milestone for those deeply affected by the tragedy. The Met's thoughts are particularly with the bereaved, survivors and residents, and the wider Grenfell community. We remember with great sadness all those who have lost their lives.

“The report is direct, comprehensive and comes to clear conclusions.

“Our police investigation is independent of the public inquiry. It is subject to a different legal framework and therefore we cannot simply use the findings of the report as evidence to bring charges.

“To bring justice to those who died and to all those affected by the fire, we need to examine the report line by line together with the evidence from the criminal investigation. As I said, this will take us at least 12 to 18 months.

“This will result in the strongest possible evidence being presented to the prosecution service so that they can make a charging decision.

“I can hardly imagine the impact of such a long police investigation on the bereaved and survivors, but we have a chance to conduct our investigation properly.

“We will conduct our investigations thoroughly and conscientiously and as quickly as possible. We owe this to the dead and to all those affected by the tragedy.”


Further information on the scope of the police investigation can be found here.

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