
Stylish iPhone standby dock from the 3D printer ›

Stylish iPhone standby dock from the 3D printer ›

The iPhone Standby Mode Dock is a great 3D printer project. If you have access to one, you can use the free templates to build a stylish nightstand iPhone dock that can also charge AirPods Pro equipped with a MagSafe charging case.

The project is the brainchild of YouTuber Scott Yu-Jan and DJ Overwerk. The two also point to Apple's former chief designer Jony Ive and his great role model, the German designer Dieter Rams, with his ten theses for good design, as sources of inspiration.

Good appearance and well thought-out operation

And indeed, the “iPhone Standby Mode Dock” not only looks good, but also scores points with its successful operating concept. The iPhone fits perfectly and seamlessly into the product design, but can be removed quickly and easily using a push button integrated into the top of the dock. The charging module for the AirPods is hidden under the plastic surface and “sucks” the MagSafe charging case in place using magnetic force.

Of course, the case only works if the appropriate chargers are built into it. In order to charge the iPhone, Apple's MagSafe charger must be integrated. For the AirPods, Apple's charger for the Apple Watch is built into the case.

Apple Watch puck charges the AirPods

In case anyone is wondering: The MagSafe charging case of the AirPods Pro (regardless of whether it is the Lightning or USB-C version) can also be charged with the Apple Watch charger. This is a completely official function.

Versions of the charging station suitable for the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro are available for download as 3D printing files on the project page at MakerWorld. If you want to use the station with a different iPhone model, you can find various sized versions on this remix page.

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