
Greta Thunberg arrested and handcuffed at pro-Palestine protest | World News

Greta Thunberg arrested and handcuffed at pro-Palestine protest | World News

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Greta Thunberg was arrested during a Palestine protest in Denmark.

The 21-year-old Swedish climate activist took part in the occupation of a building at the University of Copenhagen as students called for a boycott of Israeli universities.

Thunberg shared footage of the police in her Instagram story and said: “The police were called and forcibly entered the building armed with a ram and assault rifles.”

“They're driving everyone away as we speak.

Pictures show her with her hands tied and a black and white Kufiya scarf over her shoulders as police dragged her into a van shortly after 9 a.m. local time.

Five other people were arrested after blocking the building, which three of them briefly entered, Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten reported.

Having become famous as a climate activist, Greta Thunberg now devotes more time to the Palestinian cause (Image: Jan Kaare Ness/EPA/NTB)

“I cannot confirm the names of those arrested, but six people were arrested in connection with the demonstration,” a police spokesman said.

“They are suspected of having entered the building by force and blocking the entrance.”

Students against Occupation, the campaign group behind the protest, said: “While the situation in Palestine continues to deteriorate, the University of Copenhagen continues its cooperation with academic institutions in Israel.”

“We are occupying the university administration with one demand: academic boycott now.”

More than 40,000 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. The invasion began after the militant Hamas killed 1,200 people and took 250 hostages on October 7.

The bloodshed sparked protests around the world, with pro-Palestinian demonstrators setting up camps outside universities around the world and calling for a ceasefire.

Just this week, the British government announced it would suspend some arms exports to Israel after verifying that the country complies with international law.

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