
Diseased thyroid: Which diet helps? | – Television – Shows AZ

Diseased thyroid: Which diet helps? | – Television – Shows AZ

Status: 04.09.2024 00:00

Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism – can a special diet improve the symptoms? In our next community episode on October 9, Doc Viola Andresen answered your questions about the thyroid.

The thyroid is an important and fascinating organ. If it does not function as it should, this often has a significant impact on metabolism and well-being. Various medications help to regulate the hormonal situation, but can have side effects and/or interact with food. Quite a few people with thyroid disease find the topic of nutrition to be “complicated”.

Nutritionist Viola Andresen answered your questions

Internist Viola Andresen answered community questions.

How much iodine and selenium is in food, what can an anti-inflammatory diet do for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, what diet is recommended for Graves' disease? Can you eat gluten if you have thyroid disease – or not? What should you consider in terms of nutrition when Taking medication? You have sent us a huge number of questions – thank you very much for that! In our next community episode, Julia Demann and PD Dr. Viola Andresen, specialist in internal medicine, will address your nutritional questions about the thyroid.

This topic in the program:

The Nutrition Docs | 09.10.2024 | 08:00


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