
Bayern 2 Zündfunk | Bayern 2 | Radio

Bayern 2 Zündfunk | Bayern 2 | Radio

today, 03.09.2024
19:05 to 20:00


The French duo Air live in the Munich Reithalle
With Florian Schairer
You can also listen to this program with all contributions and interviews in the BR Radio App on Bayern 2 and at

This year, BR is celebrating its 75th anniversary, Zündfunk is turning 50! For this reason, we have delved deep into the archives and recovered audio treasures that have made the program so unique over the past 50 years. We will broadcast them every Monday and Tuesday at 7:05 p.m. on Bayern 2 in the summer program.

The French electronica duo “Air” with Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît “JB” Dunckel is considered by many fans to be one of the best bands of the 90s. Their debut “Moon Safari” was a million-selling hit. Zündfunk on Bayern 2 recorded the “Air” concert on March 2, 2004 in the Munich Reithalle and is broadcasting it again today, 20 years later. The most famous songs such as “Kelly Watch the Stars”, “Cherry Blossom Girl” and of course “Sexy Boy” are included. Repeat from March 2, 2004

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