
Five children arrested for murder after 80-year-old man dies in attack | UK news

Five children arrested for murder after 80-year-old man dies in attack | UK news

Bhim Sen Kohli was attacked and killed by a group of teenagers in a park in Leicestershire (Image: Facebook)

An 80-year-old dog owner who died after allegedly being attacked by “a group of young people” in a Leicestershire park has been identified locally as Bhim Kohli.

Five children – three of them 12 years old, the others 14 – were arrested on Sunday evening on suspicion of his murder.

Mr Kohli was walking his dog near the entrance to Franklin Park on Bramble Way in Braunstone Town when he suffered a “serious” attack at around 6.30pm and later succumbed to his injuries in hospital.

Local residents say Mr Kohli has previously been the victim of violent teenagers and that he has been “pelted with stones”, among other things.

Bhim Sen Kohli

The 80-year-old was walking his dog in a nearby park when the attack occurred (Image: Facebook)

One resident said: “I think he has been harassed by teenagers before.”

“I don't really know him, but I've seen him here and there.

“That afternoon I saw three boys and two teenage girls running around laughing.

“I know someone said children were throwing rocks at him.”

Frank, 50, a neighbour who lives on the same street as Mr Kohli, said: “Everyone here is nice, it's nice and quiet.”

“The police have been here since Monday morning and the park entrance is closed.”

“I had just seen him [Mr Kohli] He lives with his family, it's really scary.'

Blue and white police tape blocks off a paved path through grass and trees in a park.

Police are seeking witnesses to a murder in Franklin Park, Braunstone Town (Image: BPM MEDIA)

Another neighbor said she had spoken to Mr Kohli days before the murder.

She said: “He was nice, he's been there a long time. I think he's lived there for 35 years.”

“He had a big dog. His name was Rocky.

“He lived with his family.

“We all know him, we are all nice here. He was very nice to everyone.”

“He was nice. I spoke to him last Wednesday and he was in a good mood. He talked about his allotments.”

Neighbours described Mr Kohli as a “kind and caring” man who enjoyed growing vegetables on his allotments.

Three police officers were parked along a dead-end street in a residential area and at the entrance to a park lined with bushes and trees.

The victim was wearing a black sweater and grey sweatpants, police said (Image: Leicester Mercury/BPM Media)

One said: “It's just awful, awful what has happened to such a kind and caring man.”

“Bhim was such a nice man and he was well known around here. I saw him walking his dogs twice a day and he would always say hello and chat.”

A “group of young people” are said to have carried out the attack at the entrance to the park, which is just metres from his front door on Bramble Way.

The suspects fled the scene, but officers managed to track down a boy and a girl aged 14, as well as a boy and three girls aged 12, who have since been arrested.

Another resident said: “According to his daughter, he was pushed to the ground and repeatedly kicked and punched.”

“Although he was taken to hospital, his body could not bear the blows and he died. His family is completely shocked.

“What's even more shocking is that young children have been arrested. This is not a rough or dangerous area, there are a lot of old people and families here. Normally it's a very nice place to live.”

Detective Inspector Emma Matts said: “Following the death of the victim last night, this is unfortunately now a murder investigation.”

“Officers continue to work diligently to establish the details of the attack. We have already arrested several people as we continue to learn more about what happened.

“We still need people who were there to come forward if they saw anything or have information that could be helpful.”

“Were you in the Franklin Park or Bramble Way area on Sunday evening around 6:30 p.m.? Did you see the attack yourself?

“Based on the description, did you see the victim before the incident or perhaps a group of young people leaving the area afterwards?

“While our investigation continues, a crime scene security checkpoint will be set up in the park.

“In addition, local officers are on site to conduct reassurance patrols and speak to anyone in the local community who has concerns.”

The alleged victim was said to have been wearing a black sweater and grey sweatpants at the time of the incident.

Leicestershire Police said they would make a voluntary report to the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) as they had previously been in contact with the victim.

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