
Stephen King condemns Florida for banning 23 of his books

Stephen King condemns Florida for banning 23 of his books

Stephen King has responded to the banning of his books in schools due to a new law in Florida.

On August 29, Penguin Random House, along with several other publishers and the Authors Guild, filed suit against Florida. The law in question allows parents to file complaints and have certain books removed from school libraries.

Moms for Liberty, a far-right group, is pushing for the removal of books that address gender and sexuality. In response to these complaints, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HP 1069 into law in 2022, targeting books with allegedly sexually explicit content.

The law requires that sex education classes must teach that gender is binary and determined at birth, and that only state-approved materials may be used. It also allows objections to classroom or library materials depicting sexual behavior, even if they are not pornographic, unless they are for a health course. Such materials will be removed pending investigation and may be banned permanently.

Since the law took effect in July 2023, several schools have banned various books, including some of King's works.

HarperCollins announced the lawsuit against the state, pointing out that “hundreds of titles” have been banned since HB 1069 went into effect. This list includes classics such as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and contemporary works by authors such as Margaret Atwood and Judy Blume.

Books will be removed from libraries if a parent or county resident objects. Timely inspection or return upon compliance is not required. An objecting student may request a review by a special judge appointed by the state and funded by the school district.

Stephen King's banned novels include “Carrie,” “It,” “Gunslinger,” “The Long Walk” and “Running Man.” King responded on Twitter on August 31, writing, “Florida banned 23 of my books. What the hell?”

The publishers' lawsuit argues that banning books for “sexual conduct” disregards their educational value. Penguin Random House and other publishers stressed the need to protect freedom of expression and access to diverse viewpoints.

They emphasized the importance of giving educators the opportunity to use their expertise to introduce students to books that reflect diverse human experiences.

Florida authorities dismissed the lawsuit as a “stunt.” Sydney Booker, a spokeswoman for the Department of Education, said: “No books are banned in Florida. Sexually explicit material and teaching materials are not appropriate for school.”

What other media say
  • DAMN GIANT ROBOT offers an in-depth account of Stephen King's reaction to the banning of 23 of his books in Florida. The article highlights King's direct and succinct response, “What the f*ck?” on August 31, which reflects his frustration with the ban. (read more)
  • AOL reports that Stephen King has given a blunt assessment of the current state of film and television, criticizing the lack of diversity in storytelling and the increasing influence of streaming services. (read more)
  • The Daily Wire The article describes how Stephen King's claim that 23 of his books were banned in Florida drew criticism. Some argue that removing explicit content from school libraries does not constitute a ban. (read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this news

What law allows parents to ban books in Florida schools?

The law is titled HP 1069 and was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022.

Which authors' books were banned in Florida schools?

Books by authors such as Stephen King, Margaret Atwood and Judy Blume were banned.

What did Stephen King say about the banning of his books?

Stephen King tweeted: “Florida banned 23 of my books. What the hell?”

What is the lawsuit's argument against Florida law?

The lawsuit argues that the law ignores the educational value of books and limits access to diverse viewpoints.

Are there any books that are officially banned in Florida?

Florida authorities claim that no books are banned, but only that sexually explicit material is not appropriate for school lessons.

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