
Man in court in Dresden!

Man in court in Dresden!

Dresden- He is said to have attacked a friend (36) in the street with a knife and injured her neck and hand. According to the indictment, a neighbor hit Hasan B. (45) with a hammer. The trial against the Serbs is now underway on District Court Dresden.

Hasan B. (45) was brought from custody to the magistrate. © Peter Schulze

According to the report, the casual worker attacked his acquaintance at night in the Hechtviertel district in January. “The two of them know each other and even had a brief affair,” said the investigating police officer.

However, the woman from Dresden had no interest in a relationship. Hasan let it be known through his lawyer that he “sought a conversation” that night when the woman was out with friends.

This led to an argument. “Suddenly she was bleeding from her neck, her jacket was completely red and she felt sick,” described a friend (28).

Long fingers, loose fist: drunkard and brawler appears reformed in court
Court cases Dresden
Long fingers, loose fist: drunkard and brawler appears reformed in court

In the commotion, Hasan had hit his victim with a cutter knife. He must have “found it by chance on the way”. Witnesses held the perpetrator until the police arrived.

He has been in custody since then. The victim suffered a large (eleven centimetres long) cut from his left ear to his neck and injuries to his left hand.

Apparently not the only crime committed by the defendant. According to the prosecutor, Hasan injured his neighbor with a hammer six months ago. He hit her on the left foot. “She had my apartment key and I wanted it back,” said the defendant, who the expert confirmed had narcissistic, impulsive and antisocial traits. However, he was still criminally responsible. Verdict to follow.

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