
Investigation into brutal stabbing of prison inmate reveals gaps in information management

Investigation into brutal stabbing of prison inmate reveals gaps in information management

In December 2023, an inmate was stabbed to death at the Alexander Maconochie Centre. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

A brutal knife attack in a Canberra prison that left an inmate hospitalized with serious injuries has highlighted gaps in the facility's information management, an independent watchdog said.

On December 13, 2023, a male inmate with blood on his face and clothing approached a police station at his unit at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC), according to a report by the ACT Inspector of Correctional Services.

He said another inmate in his cell stabbed him in the neck, back and shoulder.

The stabber, then 18, was seen leaving his victim's cell with a gun in his hand. He was taken away, strip-searched and all evidence seized, while his victim was taken to Canberra Hospital with significant but non-life-threatening injuries.

An ACT Police spokesman said the 18-year-old was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and was sentenced to a lengthy prison term by the ACT Supreme Court last month for that crime and another offence.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Inspector of Correctional Services (ICS) has begun an investigation into the incident, which has been submitted to the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly.

The review found that ACT Corrective Services' response following the incident was appropriate and aspects of evidence handling and crime scene management had improved compared to previous reviews.

“However, the review found that the prison currently uses two information systems to record operational information in the accommodation units. This creates a risk that important security information may be overlooked or not accessible in a timely manner,” the ICS said.

“One system is the multi-million dollar Offender Management System 'CORIS', which was rolled out prisonwide in 2022. However, the review found that a 'unit diary' – a unit-specific Microsoft Word document – was also in use, without any guidance given to staff on what information should be included in each diary.”

Rebecca Minty, inspector of corrections for the Australian Capital Territory, said while it cannot be assumed that the attack could have been prevented by better documentation, “several systems introduce unnecessary and unacceptable risks to prison operations and must be addressed.”

Alexander Maconochie Centre

The review revealed gaps in the information management of the Alexander Maconochie Centre. Photo: File.

The review also found that some correctional officers may have known of a conflict between the victim and the 18-year-old prior to the assault, but that there was no indication of a risk of violence between them prior to the incident.

The ICS recommended that the Prison Service immediately review the interaction between the two information systems to ensure that the recording of information on the risks, safety and wellbeing of people detained at the AMC is efficient, gaps are minimised and the systems are easy to understand for prison officers.

A spokesman for the Australian Capital Territory government said the ICS report contained three findings and one recommendation which the government took very seriously.

“I welcome the inspector's recognition of the improvements that have resulted from previous recommendations, particularly the finding that 'ACT Corrective Services staff secured and managed the crime scene and evidence in accordance with policies and procedures,'” the spokesman said.

“The Australian Capital Territory Government will review the report’s findings and recommendations and provide a formal response.”

Meanwhile, it was reported last week that two inmates at the prison had died within a month.

In addition, on February 26, 2023, 34-year-old Justin James Cordy died in prison after being remanded in custody just one day earlier. An inquest into his death began earlier this year.

On February 1, 2022, 27-year-old Luke Anthony Rich died at AMC, just one day after being taken into custody.

A recent investigation found that “inadequate care and attention to Luke contributed to his death.”

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