
“How fast can I drive here?”

“How fast can I drive here?”

The image of a road divides the Internet: apparently no one seems to know what speed is allowed here.

Every driver knows that in Germany the speed limit in towns is 50 km/h and on country roads outside towns the maximum speed is 100 km/h. However, the situation on forest roads seems not quite so clear Because this is exactly what sparked a heated debate on the Internet some time ago.

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Speed ​​limit on forest path sparks debate

The focus of the debate is a post in the “StVO” forum on Reddit. The user “Ketzerisch” shares a picture of a road in the middle of the forest. At first glance, this is not unusual, but there is also a Cancellation sign for the speed limit 30. Other users then asked themselves what speed was actually allowed there.

The user “Vistella” refers to the speed limits mentioned above and emphasizes that a maximum speed of 100 km/h would be permitted in the forest area in question. In contrast, “Famous-Educator7902” argues for a speed limit of 80 km/h because the road markings are patchy. In fact, the road seems so narrow that two cars can hardly pass each other at the same time. But what speed is correct?

Drivers must assess speed themselves

According to the German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), forest roads no set speed limitInstead, it is the driver's responsibility to judge their appropriate speed and to drive only at a speed that allows them to safely control their vehicle at all times.

The winding road through the forest should not allow for too high a speed. Anyone who overestimates their abilities, drives too fast in poor visibility and is involved in an accident must a penalty A fine of 100 to 145 euros and a point in Flensburg are possible.

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