
Crime: Knife attack in Fürstenfeldbruck – Fürstenfeldbruck

Crime: Knife attack in Fürstenfeldbruck – Fürstenfeldbruck

Police arrested a suspected knife attacker in the center of Fürstenfeldbrück last Saturday. According to the report, the 21-year-old from Krefeld happened to meet a 33-year-old from Emmering at around 5 p.m. According to the police, he threatened the man with a knife and also made several stabbing movements in the direction of the 33-year-old. The victim suffered superficial injuries to his upper body and hand.

Bystanders eventually tried to pull the attacker away from his victim and were thus able to prevent further attacks. The suspected perpetrator fled, but was arrested by the police after a short pursuit, during which he attempted to resist arrest violently. The suspect had thrown away the knife, which was around 20 centimeters long. However, it was found and confiscated by the police. The 21-year-old was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. He is now being investigated for grievous bodily harm, threats and resistance against law enforcement officers. The Fürstenfeldbruck police station was supported in the operation by colleagues from Germering.

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