
Driver involved in truck accident in Azua turns himself in to authorities

Driver involved in truck accident in Azua turns himself in to authorities

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Santo Domingo.- The responsible driver for the tragic truck accident in the Bastida municipality of Azua, which left over 10 people dead and nearly 30 injured, has turned himself in to the authorities.

The driver, identified as Ángel Encarnación Bautista, also known as “Papito,” is from Hondo Valle in the province of Elías Piña. He was accompanied by Yamailin Santana, who also turned herself in to the police.

Police spokesman Diego Pesqueira reported that a National Police sergeant was among the dead. Several victims have not yet been identified. Most of the injured were taken to the hospital in San Juan de la Maguana, according to Joel Montaño, health director of the province of Azuúa.

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