
Immense damage: Was the fire drama in northern Munich arson?

Immense damage: Was the fire drama in northern Munich arson?

Hasenbergl – Around 50 firefighters were deployed, the damage is immense: During the night of Monday (September 2nd) there was a fire in a concrete factory in the industrial park on Detmoldstrasse. The police are investigating possible arson.

Millions in damage after fire in northern Munich

At around 3 a.m., the police and fire brigade were alerted when several trucks and a small excavator were on fire on the premises of the Max Bögl company.

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As the police further report, the fire service was able to extinguish the fire, but the resulting material damage is considerable. According to initial assessments, the damage is likely to be in the sixth range. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.

Since there are signs of possible arson, the Munich criminal police have begun an investigation. The exact cause of the fire is now being investigated in order to clarify the background to the incident.

When the fire brigade arrived, the fire in the area of ​​the conveyor belt had just spread to the connected 20-metre-high silo.
© Munich Fire Department
When the fire brigade arrived, the fire in the area of ​​the conveyor belt had just spread to the connected 20-metre-high silo.

by Munich Fire Department


Evidence of arson: Police request assistance

On Monday morning, investigators sent out an appeal for witnesses and asked the public for information: “Who noticed anything in the Detmoldstrasse area during the specified period that could be related to this incident?” Anyone who can provide relevant information should please contact the Munich Police Headquarters (Commissariat 13, (telephone 089/2910-0) or any other police station.

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According to the fire department, several vehicles and a conveyor belt were already on fire when the first firefighters arrived. Reinforcements were called immediately.

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The emergency services launched a “massive fire-fighting attack” to extinguish six concrete mixers and a wheel loader as well as other equipment. The fire on the conveyor belt also reached the top of the mixing silo and set it ablaze. The fire was extinguished using a turntable ladder with a swivel pipe.

Since the flames also spread over a wall to a neighboring recycling center, several pressed cardboard blocks were on fire there. Here, too, the fire department used a turntable ladder with a swivel pipe for the first attack.

The fire department then said that the fire was pulled apart and extinguished using a wheel loader. The last emergency services finished their work at around 6:30 a.m.

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