
Michael Kretschmer caught in deception

Michael Kretschmer caught in deception

Dresden- Shortly before the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia The ZDF satire show “heute-show” travelled to the East for a special edition. A final impression of the mood was to be obtained through discussions with politicians and citizens. Member of Parliament Michael Kretschmer (49, CDU) Didn't cut a very good figure.

Satirist Fabian Köster (29) confronted Saxony's state leader in an interview. (Archive photo) © Jörg Carstensen/dpa

In a conversation with reporter Fabian Köster (29), the CDU politician appeared annoyed by the questions and at times seemed overwhelmed. The reason for this was the comedian's tactics. Köster wanted to expose his counterpart with a deception maneuver.

The trick: Disguised as a BSW or AfD poster, Kretschmer was confronted with his own statements without knowing it. For example, he was shown a picture of Wagenknecht demanding “Cession of territory for peace!”

When asked what he thought about it, the state leader said: “I'm not talking about any other parties. I'm talking about the CDU.” Köster replied: “It's quite funny. It seems you didn't notice that we made this poster based on your statements.”

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Kretschmer replied in disbelief: “Then tell me, do you want to and where?” – “At the end of last year you said that Ukraine would have to be prepared to temporarily give up territory,” the ZDF reporter wrote.

The 49-year-old then explained: “Not a single square meter of Ukrainian territory, not even in Crimea, has become Russian – that is our attitude with which we must go into these negotiations.” Köster immediately interjects: “It worked really well after the annexation of Crimea.”

MP Michael Kretschmer (49, CDU) was displeased with the ZDF reporter's questions. (Archive photo)

Member of Parliament Michael Kretschmer (49, CDU) was displeased with the ZDF reporter's questions. (Archive photo) © Robert Michael/dpa

During the interview, the 29-year-old brought another deceptively real-looking election poster into play – this time supposedly from the AfD. “Basic right to asylum restricted!” was written on it.

Kretschmer again jumped on the issue quite angrily: “You can’t sit here with me as CDU Prime Minister and then make up some funny stories about BSW and AfD.”

Köster replied: “This is not a joke. This is your statement.”

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But Kretschmer continued firing: “What kind of quality is that?” the Görlitz native wanted to know.

“What kind of level is that of someone who previously said that times are too serious for cheap sayings?” Köster shot back, thereby asserting himself in the conversation.

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