
New police security command post in Lorong 8 Toa Payoh with covered shooting range

New police security command post in Lorong 8 Toa Payoh with covered shooting range

SecCom demonstrated the versatility of the firing range with a “live” demonstration on August 27. When an officer in the role of a dignitary was shot at, two PSOs rushed to protect him.

While an officer protected the dignitary with a bulletproof briefcase, the leading PSO fired a volley of shots from his pistol at the perpetrator before fleeing the death zone.

Subsequently, officers from the US Department of Security's Special Protection Unit armed with assault rifles arrived in an off-road vehicle to provide covering fire.

The base also has an Ops Tactics training facility. The facility is about the size of two basketball courts and has movable partitions to customize the layout. There is also a spectator area on the upper deck where other officers can observe the training sessions.

To demonstrate the training program that PSOs must complete, two officers ran up a flight of stairs and performed exercises to increase their heart rate, simulating a real-life situation in which they would be under stress confronted by an attacker.

The officers then stormed dark, smoke-filled rooms to neutralize a shooter and rescue an injured person.

The officers wore protective eye and head gear and fired pistols that fired non-lethal projectiles while the gunman shot at them.

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