
Woman dies when illegal clay mine collapses

Woman dies when illegal clay mine collapses

The Hitavada State Bureau Raipur/Surajpur,

A tragic accident occurred in Geatra village of Surajpur district of Chhattisgarh on Saturday when an illegal clay mine collapsed and three women were buried under the debris. The women were part of a 15-member group who had gone into the mine to mine clay. Despite swift rescue efforts by the villagers, one woman lost her life while two others were seriously injured and were rushed to the district hospital. The deceased is identified as 22-year-old Phulkumari, who was digging clay in the pit at the time of the incident. Two other women, 36-year-old Panmeshvari and 27-year-old Dalvinder, who were working outside the pit, were also caught in the collapse but were rescued and are now receiving medical treatment. Visual evidence from the accident site shows the precarious conditions in which the women were working. The images show the unstable clay walls of the pit giving way, causing the fatal collapse. Surrounded by water-filled ditches and with the women's belongings scattered around, the site paints a grim picture of the dangerous and unhygienic environment of illegal mining operations.

The aftermath of the collapse is further illustrated by another image showing the visibly distressed local villagers discussing the incident and assisting in the rescue efforts. The scene highlights the lack of safety measures and the risks faced by rural communities who engage in such dangerous activities to earn a living. Local authorities have launched an investigation into illegal mining activities in the area with the aim of preventing future accidents. The administration has also announced that steps will be taken to regulate clay mining and ensure that such unauthorized and dangerous activities are stopped to protect vulnerable populations. According to knowledgeable sources, this incident highlights the urgent need for stronger enforcement of mining regulations in rural areas and increased awareness among communities about the dangers of illegal mining. “The community and local administration must now work together to prevent further tragedies in the area,” the sources stressed.

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