
Jungle and Mouse Show easily beats “TV Total XXL”

Jungle and Mouse Show easily beats “TV Total XXL”

Maybe “TV Total” is not made for the big stage – that is probably the conclusion after the first XXL edition, which ProSieben showed on Saturday evening at 8:15 p.m. from the Lanxess Arena in Cologne. In any case, the quotes were anything but XXL: On average, only 580,000 viewers watched, which was significantly less than every previous edition with Sebastian Pufpaff on the regular Wednesday evening slot.

The market share in the classic target group of 14 to 49 year olds was also lower than in all Wednesday editions at 7.9 percent, and the previous low from last Wednesday was also slightly undercut. Even though “TV Total XXL” is thus above the ProSieben channel average achieved recently, ProSieben must have hoped for significantly more from the XXL edition.

Among young viewers, “TV Total XXL” only came in third place in prime time. Instead, “I'm a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” was right at the top again. Although the 20 percent mark for the semi-finals was again undercut after four days, with a market share of 18.7 percent among 14- to 49-year-olds, the RTL jungle was still significantly stronger than a week ago, when the Saturday episode marked the season's low with 15.1 percent.

Market share trend: I'm a star – showdown of the jungle legends

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Source: research

from 3 years
14-49 years

Overall, an average of 2.25 million jungle fans watched this time, of which 1.45 million stayed tuned for the “legendary hour afterwards”. The jungle recap achieved a market share of 14.6 percent in the classic target group.

Right before “TV Total XXL” was “Die große Maus-Show” – the new name of “Frag doch mal die Maus” – on Das Erste. They achieved a very good 13.7 percent market share among 14 to 49 year olds, the market share was thus higher than it has been since 2021. The cost of broadcasting on an evening with summer temperatures. Reach: A total of only 2.52 million viewers watched, fewer than ever before. The market share of the total audience is 13.2 percent. The primetime victory among the total audience went instead to ZDF, where the film “In Wahrheit – Zwischen Recht und Justiz” attracted 4.16 million people to the television.

Source for all data in this article, unless otherwise stated: AGF SCOPE 1.7; market standard: moving image; provisionally weighted data; daily MA: evaluation type TV time interval; usage-related; broadcast data: evaluation type TV; product-related;

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