
“Sommerhaus der Stars” candidates hint at violent behavior in the RTL show

“Sommerhaus der Stars” candidates hint at violent behavior in the RTL show

Broadcaster confirms security deployment: “Sommerhaus der Stars” candidates hint at violent behavior in the RTL show

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Sunday, 01.09.2024, 07:23

Rumors have been circulating for some time that there were physical altercations during the filming of the “Sommerhaus der Stars” this year – now these rumors are being fueled further.

It was a real low point in the history of the “Summer House of the Stars”, which was full of arguments and troubles: Last year, Gigi Birofio (25) and his then girlfriend Diana Feist (27) were kicked out after he became violent following a verbal argument with Can Kaplan (21) and his ex Valentina Doronina (24). Incidentally, these two were also kicked out by RTL.

There have been rumors for some time now that there was another incident of physical violence during the filming of the upcoming season of the reality show.

More physical altercations in the “Summer House of the Stars”?

For example, Sam Dylan (33) and his partner Rafi Rachek (34) had indicated on social media that they had been kicked out again: “There are always people who are not only a danger to themselves, but also much worse: a danger to others! And are therefore rightly removed immediately! (…) I am so glad that there are security guards in every format, because there are so many sick people who are unpredictable.”

And RTL later confirmed that security was deployed on set: “There was a tense situation in the summer house, and security was called in as a precaution.” However, this situation was resolved.”

Read more: Devastating diagnosis for Theresia Fischer before the start of the “Summer House of the Stars”

Umut Tekin (27) and his girlfriend Emma Fernlund (23) are among the eight couples who are residing in the “Summer House of the Stars” this year. The two recently had an interview with presenter “Tooboo” from the “Blitzlichtgewitter Podcast”. The conversation was published in several short video snippets on Instagram.

In one of these clips, the couple is asked: “What is your opinion on the issue of violence in the 'Summer House of the Stars'?” Emma Fernlund initially responded very clearly: “Violence is not acceptable anywhere – be it in private or on reality TV!” We completely agree on that.”

Check out the corresponding clip on Instagram here:

But then it gets a little cryptic: “But it is also clear that some of the provocations made by people on reality TV do not actually happen in reality.” I think we can all agree on that.”

But she reiterated: “I would say that violence should not have a place anywhere. Period, end of story!” And her lover confirmed: “Definitely not! Not at all! No hand should be raised, no hand should slip.”

But now it gets really piquant. Another summer house resident, Gloria Glumac (32), has spoken out in the comments – and fires against Umut Tekin and her friend Emma Fernlund: “Hahahahaha, I'm laughing, the rest of the 'Summer House' cast is laughing, the production is laughing and everyone.” Others at the end of the broadcast will be laughing everywhere at what the two have just said. Hahahaha, I wonder if they don't blush – how embarrassing.”

And another participant, Theresia Fischer (32), reacted to Gloria Glumac's comment. She wrote: “Indeed! If they weren't so young, I would assume they had advanced dementia!”

In any case, one thing seems certain: viewers can expect a lot of arguments in the “Sommerhaus der Stars” 2024. And the rumors of renewed physical altercations are unlikely to stop now…

By Thimon Abele (tab)

The original of this article ““Sommerhaus der Stars” candidates hint at violent behavior in the RTL show” comes from

Cologne Express

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