
Knife attack in Siegen: “That can make you a little proud” – Reul recognizes civil courage

Knife attack in Siegen: “That can make you a little proud” – Reul recognizes civil courage

The courageous intervention of several people probably prevented something worse from happening during the knife attack on a bus in Siegen. The fact that women and men intervened and prevented the worst from happening and saved many people from harm is “a huge story,” said Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) in Solingen. The people took care of things, intervened and detained the perpetrator.

There were people of different nationalities. “When I realize that these were citizens with a migrant background, I think that can make you a little proud,” said Reul. “There are an incredible number of attentive, intelligent citizens.” This society is much stronger than we think. The police alone will not fix it.” Taking responsibility, as the people on the bus did, is just as much a key to many things as unity and solidarity.

According to a report in the “Siegener Zeitung”, three women with a migrant background reacted immediately after the attack on the bus and overpowered the perpetrator. This was reported by Siegen's mayor Steffen Mues and the superintendent of the Protestant church district of Siegen-Wittgenstein, Peter-Thomas Stuberg, citing statements from witnesses.

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