
Perpetrator still at large – Nachrichten AG

Perpetrator still at large – Nachrichten AG

The streets of Davos witnessed a disturbing attack last Friday when 19-year-old Orthodox Jew Eli K. was attacked by two men. The perpetrators, two rejected asylum seekers, were residing in the Flüeli Departure Center in Valzeina. The nationality of the attackers remains unclear. The events of the night have shocked not only the victim but also the local community.

A conversation with the Secretary General of the Swiss Federation of Israelite Communities (SIG), Jonathan Kreutner, offered insights into Eli K.'s traumatic experiences immediately after he gave his testimony to the public prosecutor. Kreutner reported that the 19-year-old described in detail how he was first hit in the face, lost his headphones and headgear, and was chased by aggressive assailants. Passers-by and passing cars were also not spared as the attackers lashed out angrily and one assailant shouted “Free Palestine” several times after spitting in Elias' direction.

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A French tourist who witnessed the attack subsequently helped the confused victim by returning his lost hat. This friendly gesture stands in stark contrast to the frightening confrontation with the two asylum seekers, who were later positively identified by the victim in a line-up on Wednesday morning.

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A further chapter in this horrifying story was opened by Peter Peyer, the head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health. He informed the public that the two perpetrators remain at large as no pre-trial detention has been ordered. Neither man has a passport, which makes their deportation difficult.

The effects of the attack were felt far and wide, as the victim immediately left for England after being questioned and confronted. Despite the reassuring knowledge that the perpetrators had to leave Switzerland anyway, Eli K.'s memory of the threatening night in Davos remains vivid. “This means I can go on holiday here again next year without worrying about them lying in wait for me,” he said with a hint of relief.

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