
Hardly anyone knows The Eternal Life of Goldmann, and that must change

Hardly anyone knows The Eternal Life of Goldmann, and that must change

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Madness from the pencil

The Eternal Life of Goldman's clever game design is only one reason for my enthusiastic grin – its presentation is the other. The game looks so good! So damn, damn good!

Every pixel of the landscapes and characters here is hand-drawn, the levels boast overwhelming amounts and loving details, and some of the characters are designed with such imaginativeness. The Unity engine running as the basis ensures high speed and cool special effects such as heat shimmer or blurring.

The game looks great in screenshots, but in motion it's an absolute delight. Everything here is hand-drawn!
The game looks great in screenshots, but in motion it's an absolute delight. Everything here is hand-drawn!

The game looks great in screenshots, but in motion it's an absolute delight. Everything here is hand-drawn!

Oh. I think it's great! Just running through the levels, coming up with ideas and admiring the skills of the designers and graphic artists, discovering crazy new details at every corner, that was so much fun. For example, if you blow up a box with the stick, its contents are distributed in the immediate vicinity in a physically correct way.

Describing this in lousy words doesn’t sound very spectacular – but in motion it looks so cool! During the game, it was also emphasized that no AI was involved in the development of the graphics. Everything here is still hand-drawn with tons of love.

The Walking Stick of Doom

This little graphic wonder is being developed by the Belarusian studio Weappy, which is mainly used for the less enthusiastic games in the series. This is the police “The Eternal Life of Goldman” is the passion project of studio founder Ilya Yanovich, which he has been working on since 2017. There is currently no concrete release date, but according to THQ Nordic, the game is almost finished, so a release in 2024 is very likely.

The many standard and boss enemies require individual treatment, similar to the platform classic DuckTales.
The many standard and boss enemies require individual treatment, similar to the platform classic DuckTales.

The many standard and boss enemies require individual treatment, similar to the platform classic DuckTales.

You can also look forward to a lot of action based on Jewish, Greek and Mesopotamian fables and stories. A creative world design in which you run through burning landscapes, rise from grinning balloons, or trot through icy forests while thickly blowing snow robs you of your view. And on boss fights, where mastery of the practical walking stick is of fundamental importance.

Conclusion of the editorial team

Paul Kautz

I just watched the announcement trailer again and I'm still blown away by it. Isn't it fantastic that they still exist, these wonderful surprises that you just don't expect? When I arranged a playthrough of The Eternal Life of Goldman, I only did it because I still had time and the name sounded interesting. I didn't even bother to google the game. And now it's my highlight of Gamescom 2024 so far!

Well, that's how quickly it can happen. As the saying goes in English: “A labor of love, a work of art.”

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