
Latest information on attacks on Israel's West Bank: Attacks “fuel explosive situation” | News on the conflict between Israel and Palestine

Latest information on attacks on Israel's West Bank: Attacks “fuel explosive situation” | News on the conflict between Israel and Palestine

Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch and visiting professor at Princeton University, called the increasing Israeli violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank a “very serious development.”

Under Israel's military occupation of Palestinian territories, the standard of policing must be the same as that applied to normal law enforcement, “for the police on the street,” Roth told Al Jazeera.

“This means that lethal force may only be used as a last resort to counter an immediate lethal threat,” Roth said.

“Now it looks like Israel is not doing that. It is continuing to bomb. And in fact, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has said this is a war. In war, you can just shoot at the other side's fighters. You don't have to try to capture them. There is nothing as a last resort,” he said.

“Israel is now tightening its standards for the use of lethal force to war levels. This is a very worrying development,” he added.

Israeli soldiers arrested two Palestinian men during a raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp near the town of Tulkarem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Wednesday. [Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP]

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