
EXCLUSIVE: Lazy-Boy: My face tattoos scare people. I don't like the feeling, but it's part of my image

EXCLUSIVE: Lazy-Boy: My face tattoos scare people. I don't like the feeling, but it's part of my image

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Part 2: Lazy-Boy on his first head tattoo at 15, kids getting tattooed during lunch break at school
Part 1: Lazy-Boy about members of a Mexican gang who want life sentences and become “shot callers” in prison


Lazy-Boy has spoken openly about the impact and regret associated with his facial tattoos. His tattoos, which include symbols of Latin American descent, a Rolex logo and tributes to local sports teams, have become an important part of his personality. Still, he openly admits that they often cause fear and discomfort in public, especially in “nicer areas” where he feels scrutinized. He explained the story behind some of his tattoos and expressed regret about certain choices, particularly those he made while in prison using low-quality ink. Although he considered having his tattoos laser removed to soften his intimidating appearance for the sake of his children, he has chosen to keep them as they form a crucial part of his identity as an artist. Lazy-Boy also highlighted the detrimental impact of his tattoos when dealing with the police, speaking of increased harassment and profiling. However, he emphasizes that his respectful behavior has remained unchanged, regardless of the perception of others.

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