
The Chingiswa Aitmatov Russian Drama Theatre presents performances in Moscow

The Chingiswa Aitmatov Russian Drama Theatre presents performances in Moscow

The Chingiswa Aitmatov Russian Drama Theatre presents performances in Moscow

AKIPRESS.COM – The Chingizva Aitmatov National Russian Drama Theater will tour Moscow from August 30 to September 3.

The Russian Drama Theatre presents five performances to the audience at the State Academic Mossovet Theatre in Moscow:

– August 30 — Farce “The Queen of Spades” directed by Vyacheslav Vitikh;

– August 31 — Phantasmagoria “The Master and Margarita” directed by Vyacheslav Vittikh;

– September 1 – comedy “Love and Pigeons” directed by Filipp Khitrov;

– September 2 – comedy “Baba Chanel” directed by Vyacheslav Vittikh;

– September 3 – mythological poem “The spotted dog runs along the shore”, directed by Igor Sedin.

“Big Tours” is a Russian theatre project implemented since 2014 by the Federal Centre for Support of Touring Activities of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

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