
Miami Beach policewoman experiences moment of shock when man jumps into patrol car and tells her to keep driving

Miami Beach policewoman experiences moment of shock when man jumps into patrol car and tells her to keep driving

MIAMI BEACH, Florida. – A Miami Beach police officer was sitting in her patrol car when a man suddenly jumped into the car. What happened next may have saved her life.

Authorities said that just before 12:30 p.m. last Tuesday at the corner of Fifth Street and Lenox Avenue, a man suffering from a mental health crisis jumped into their marked patrol car and ordered them to move on.

According to an incident report, the officer was on routine patrol when the man suddenly jumped into the car and ordered her to drive away.

Fearing for her life, the officer deployed her taser seven times. A Miami-Dade Schools police officer then rushed to help.

The officer wrote in her report: “My vehicle was still on and the engine was running. I was afraid the person was going to climb into the driver's seat and try to drive away. It should be noted that we were 100 feet from South Pointe Elementary.”

The officer continued, “After the second taser cycle, I ordered the offender to exit my vehicle, but instead he yelled, 'I'm on the ground!' He again refused to exit my vehicle, and I administered another taser cycle.”

The situation continued to escalate.

“After the seventh taser cycle, I could no longer see part of the suspect's body,” she wrote. “Unable to reach over my vehicle, I activated my taser again to detain the suspect.”

When the man was finally taken into custody, he asked the police if they were “eating pretzels” and claimed he was “from a reality TV show.”

While he was being treated, he asked officials to notify Oprah Winfrey.

According to police, the man was found to be in violation of the Baker Act.

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