
Parents speak out after schoolyard accident

Parents speak out after schoolyard accident

A first-grader at Laville Elementary was seriously injured in an accident while playing with another student during recess.

Now the parents of the other child speak up.

The other girl in this situation suffered less serious injuries.

Her parents, Weston and Jolene Swanson, feel they were left in the dark when the accident occurred and are still waiting for more information.

Another day passes for two mothers whose daughters were involved in a schoolyard accident at Laville Elementary.

WSBT previously spoke to Alexis Barger, the mother of Paisleigh Smith, who suffered a skull fracture and concussion.

Now the parents of the other girl involved, Weston and Jolene Swanson, claim that the school did not explain the severity of the accident.

“We saw the other girl's injuries and said if she looked like that, I definitely could have taken her to the doctor to see if she was OK, if she had a concussion or something like that,” Weston said.

They said their daughter Seven had been feeling ill over the weekend, but after seeing WSBT's story about Paisleigh, the Swansons took Seven to the doctor.

“They said our daughter was still there – and this was the Monday morning after the accident – she still met the criteria for a CT scan because she had been vomiting over the weekend, she still had a bump on her forehead and she still met the criteria for a concussion,” Weston said.

The Swansons said Seven fortunately did not suffer a concussion.

However, they remain concerned about the school's approach.

The school nurse was not in the office on the day of the accident and had to be replaced by a school counselor.

Over the past two days, WSBT attempted to contact Union-North United School Corporation Superintendent Dr. Angela Piazza about the accident, but was rebuffed both times.

“My main concern is clarity. If the nurse is not present, let me know that someone other than the nurse is giving me recommendations and leave it to me, the parent. If the other student was as injured as she was, there is no reason I wouldn't take my daughter to be evaluated. Just because there's a lump outside doesn't mean we have any idea what's going on inside,” Weston said.

The youth welfare office is investigating the incident.

They are working with both families and the school district, but are not yet releasing any information about their investigation.

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