
Telegram founder accused in France of misconduct by his users

Telegram founder accused in France of misconduct by his users

Prosecutors in Paris have charged Telegram founder Pavel Durov with several crimes related to the messaging app, several media outlets reported. French prosecutors allege that Durov, a Russian-born and Dubai-based billionaire, is involved in criminal activities on the app — which has become one of the most popular social media platforms in post-Soviet Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Prosecutors cited the distribution of child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking and fraud as examples of the criminal activities on the app. He was charged with facilitating criminal transactions — a crime punishable by a possible 500,000 euro fine and up to 10 years in prison, NBC News reported. He was released on 5 million euro (about $5.5 million) bail on Wednesday, but was required to remain on French territory and report to authorities twice a week. Durov was arrested by French authorities at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday as part of a broader investigation into criminal activity on Telegram, French prosecutor Laure Beccuau said in a statement on Monday.

Read it at The New York Times

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