
When deepfakes and other misinformation target Colorado voters, election officials have a plan to respond

When deepfakes and other misinformation target Colorado voters, election officials have a plan to respond

Weld Counties Secretary and Minutes Secretary Carly Koppes has a remarkable online presence. It publishes many informative Videos around election time to explain to voters how they can cast their vote or prepare for election day.

But there is something that is giving Koppes – and many other election officials – sleepless nights. Artificial intelligence is moving so quickly that a bad actor could take one of these videos and convincingly alter her voice to make it sound like she's saying something misleading… like giving the wrong polling hours.

Koppes and others Employees from Colorado’s 64 counties recently gathered to discuss the scenarios that are giving them nightmares ahead of the November election. She spoke with host Erin O'Toole about how election officials like her are preparing to respond to misleading emails, deepfake videos and other misinformation on social media.

Not sure if your voter registration is up to date? Check at

Read more about the Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters' verdict in The sun of Colorado.

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