
Election forecaster changes forecast for 2024 in North Carolina in race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Election forecaster changes forecast for 2024 in North Carolina in race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris is being criticized for “rewriting” her story about her true hometown in Northern California to feign more moderate roots.

The presidential candidate likes to talk about her childhood in Oakland, California, but in fact she spent most of her youth and her early years of school in Berkeley, a place with more left-wing connotations.

During her acceptance speech for her presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, Harris talked about how her mother rented an apartment in the East Bay.

“In the Bay Area, you either live in the mountains or in the flatlands,” she said. “We lived in the flatlands, a beautiful working-class neighborhood with firefighters, nurses and construction workers who all took pride in maintaining their lawns.”

According to the New York Times, however, Harris did not officially move into the Oakland apartments until she was an adult, in her twenties.

Although she was born in an Oakland hospital, her birth certificate lists an apartment building near the University of California, Berkeley, where her parents earned their doctorates.

Harris has spoken vaguely about her upbringing in the past, likely an attempt to identify with a more modest middle-class life rather than the privileged life of being the child of Berkeley academics.

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