
Supernanny Jo Frost criticizes parents who brag about their children's morning routines on social media, saying they should be “spending quality time together” and not “performing for the internet.”

Supernanny Jo Frost criticizes parents who brag about their children's morning routines on social media, saying they should be “spending quality time together” and not “performing for the internet.”

British parents have praised Supernanny Jo Frost after she went on a passionate rant criticising parents who share videos of their children's morning routine at school.

The parenting expert said she was shocked when she saw videos on Instagram of parents showing their young children preparing for their first day of school.

“Parents, STOP with the Back2School videos, you are turning your children into magnificent little beings!” she said in an Instagram post.

Jo said parents need to take more responsibility rather than trying to please their children, which would disrupt the smooth running of their breakfast routines and family bonding.

She said the act was the perfect example of “performative parenting,” a term coined by Supernanny herself to describe those who use their children to gain likes and attention online.

Supernanny Jo Frost has targeted “performative parents” for posting videos of their children's morning routine before school starts in the UK

“So now I see seven, eight and nine year olds doing their back to school morning routine in the form of posts! Parents, what on earth are you thinking? No, seriously?” she asked on Instagram.

Jo explained that the morning routine is a time when “family bonding should be at its strongest” and that “a well-rehearsed breakfast routine together should run smoothly” rather than posing for social media videos.

“It's bad enough seeing so many parents rely on iPads and screens as babysitters in the mornings, creating a bad habit and chaotic mornings, but now this?” she wrote.

“Look, you have to take responsibility. I'm sick of hearing that everyone who speaks the truth is pilloried. This is NOT a pillory, this is YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER FOR YOUR CHILDREN and you must! You must.”

Jo continued to implore parents to “get their priorities straight” and “let their kids be kids,” away from the eyes of strangers on the internet.

“Let children wake up with messy hair, not with their parents. They need hugs, a warm smile, a kiss in the morning, not you with a camera set up to cause or allow that,” she continued.

“Pass on your positive energy to the children before you all go your separate ways for eight hours.”

Jo implored parents to “get their priorities straight” and let their “kids be kids,” away from the eyes of strangers on the internet.

Jo implored parents to “get their priorities straight” and let their “kids be kids,” away from the eyes of strangers on the internet.

“Nobody wants boastful children… Do you really realize what you are raising at home?”

Supernanny fans applauded Jo for calling out the “toxic” and “attention-seeking” behavior.

“Kids are not happy. They can't consent,” said one user, with another responding, “Imagine the damage of growing up with a camera constantly flying in your face.”

“This is about families trying to pretend they have their shit together like all social media posts like this… this isn't real life,” wrote a third.

“Nothing at all should be posted about children on social media. Pictures or videos,” commented one mother.

“It blows my mind that other parents have time for something like this in the morning. We get up early and still don't have time for a whole production,” added another parent.

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