
US woman sues American Airlines after fellow passenger sexually harassed her

US woman sues American Airlines after fellow passenger sexually harassed her

The incident occurred on August 26, 2022 during a night flight

A New Jersey woman has filed a lawsuit against American Airlines, claiming that the airline failed to prevent or stop a sexual assault she experienced on a plane by a stranger sitting next to her. According to the IndependentThe incident occurred on August 26, 2022, during an overnight flight from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Newark Liberty International Airport. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that American Airlines bears responsibility for failing to ensure her safety and well-being on board.

According to the lawsuit, the woman fell asleep shortly after takeoff and upon awakening made a horrifying discovery. She found the stranger's arm in her pants and his hand pressing her hand to his pussy. The man had covered them both with his black puffer jacket and “digitally penetrated” her while she slept. When the woman awoke, she was paralyzed with shock and panic.

The stranger then climbed on top of her and “attempted to penetrate her with his penises, which he partially succeeded in doing,” the lawsuit states. The woman mustered the strength to push him away, and he immediately returned to his seat, ending the assault.

The attacker later attempted to downplay the attack by offering the victim water while forcibly holding her hand. He only stopped when he noticed a flight attendant approaching. The victim then woke up her friend and reported the incident to a flight attendant, who assigned her to another seat for the rest of the flight.

After landing, the perpetrator was escorted off the plane and authorities took statements from the victim and witnesses. However, it is “unknown whether the perpetrator was taken into custody and/or ever charged with sexually assaulting the plaintiff,” the lawsuit states.

“As stated in the complaint, we look forward to seeking justice on behalf of our client to redress this terrible injustice for all that she has suffered,” said the woman's attorney, Brian Andris The Independent.

In an email, an American Airlines spokesperson said: “We are reviewing the complaint and the details of the flight. The safety and comfort of our customers is American's highest priority.”

The lawsuit alleges that airlines are aware of the alarming increase in sexual assaults on board airplanes, with the FBI reporting 96 such cases last year alone. The lawsuit also stresses that the victim bears no responsibility for the assault and that American Airlines has a clear duty to ensure her safety during the flight.

“American Airlines breached its duty of care by failing to properly monitor the cabin, failing to prevent the sexual assault, and failing to intervene promptly when the assault occurred,” the lawsuit states.

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