
Pelosi threatens war on Trump in new footage after January 6 attack

Pelosi threatens war on Trump in new footage after January 6 attack

New video footage taken before, during and after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 sheds new light on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's actions during the crisis that dominated the end of her career as speaker. The footage obtained so far by Politico and CNN shows the then-acting House speaker evacuating the Capitol on Jan. 6 to Fort McNair in D.C. The footage was shot by Alexandra Pelosi, the former House speaker's daughter, and a documentary filmmaker who was at her mother's side before and after Jan. 6. The House select committee previously obtained some of her footage as part of its initial investigation. That footage was provided to the Republican-led House Administration Committee, which is conducting the investigation. Pelosi reportedly resisted the evacuation, telling security guards, “I don't support this,” and focused on ending proceedings in the Electoral College. At one point, Pelosi told her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, “I feel responsible” for the National Guard's delayed response, according to CNN. “We had no responsibility for what was going on there, when we should have. That's ridiculous,” the former speaker said. Even more footage was captured on Jan. 7, when Pelosi turned her attention to Donald Trump. Pelosi reportedly asked her aides for a list of Trump's Cabinet members, whom she planned to name in an upcoming speech. In her speech, she also planned to refer to the then-president as the “internal enemy in the White House.” Pelosi ultimately deleted both the name and the phrase “internal enemy.”

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