
The Northern Lights can be seen here tonight

The Northern Lights can be seen here tonight

Top line

A small group of northern U.S. states will have a chance to see the Northern Lights Tuesday night, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, marking residents' next chance to see the nationwide phenomenon amid a month of heightened auroral activity.

Key data

NOAA predicts a KP index of four for Tuesday night, which means the aurora will become brighter and more prone to movement and formation.

Observers hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights should do so on Tuesday evening, as NOAA's aurora forecast calls for a dramatic decrease in activity for Wednesday evening, in addition to a sight line moving well into the northern United States.

The aurora's curved line of sight extends as far south as South Dakota on Tuesday night, but the chances of seeing the northern lights at the lower end of the line are minimal.

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Where will the Northern Lights be visible tonight?

In northern areas of states such as Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin, there is a slim chance of seeing the lights on Tuesday evening.

How do you see the Northern Lights?

To best view the lights, observers need to be outdoors between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. Areas with clear weather forecasts and little to no light pollution offer the best viewing conditions.

How do you photograph the Northern Lights?

Night mode and long shutter speeds are the best settings for your smartphone to take good photos of the Northern Lights.

Important background

The northern United States and Canada have seen increased and fairly consistent solar activity since July. The increased activity has helped the natural phenomenon to be seen in the United States for about a week. KP Index forecasts reached as high as seven just over a week ago. According to a NOAA forecast, sunspots, the source of geomagnetic storms that can trigger auroras, will peak in 2025 with 115 spots.

More information

Tips for observing the Aurora (NOAA)

What are the Northern Lights? And how can you see them? (BBC)

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