
With the November election just around the corner, contribute to City College’s community agenda – City Times

With the November election just around the corner, contribute to City College’s community agenda – City Times

What issues and questions do you think you would like to hear the candidates talk about and address as they vie for your votes in the November 2024 election?

City Times Media wants to hear from you to better guide our election coverage. Use the form below to tell us the issues that matter to you and your questions for local, state and national candidates.

Each week, City Times reporters publish updates and stories on these topics on the City Times Media website and other platforms, including YouTube, SpotifyAnd Social Media. Read, watch and hear from community members starting April 2024.

About the City College Community Agenda

The City College Community Agenda is based on The Citizens’ Agenda“a guide to creating more responsive, comprehensive and useful reporting for voters.” Jay Rosen, professor at New York University and media critic, and Social Impact Consultancy Listen designed it to improve political coverage by moving from a poll-centered approach to reporting on the issues important to the community.

The Citizens Agenda model of election campaign reporting focuses on the public and uses newsrooms as servants of the public, as mediators and translators between the public and the politicians they elect.

City Times Media intentionally used the name “Community Agenda” instead of “Citizens Agenda” to emphasize the importance of both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens in the San Diego City College community.

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