
10-year-old burn victim released after fire accident

10-year-old burn victim released after fire accident

BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (KERO) – Joseph Jimenez suffered severe burns while playing with fire, highlighting the dangers of social media challenges.

  • Joseph Jimenez, a 10-year-old burn victim, was released from Memorial Hospital's Grossman Burn Center.
  • Joseph suffered second and third degree burns to his face, hands and upper body while playing with fire.
  • He has undergone at least ten surgeries and may require further reconstruction and scar revision.
  • The hospital has noted an increase in social media-related injuries among children.

It can happen in a flash and the effects can last a lifetime. I spoke to doctors and emergency workers who treated a young boy who was burned while playing with fire.

Joseph Jimenez is a 10-year-old boy who was hospitalized five weeks ago for fire burns.

Ticyanna Clark, head nurse in the burn unit at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, says, “He and his older brother had seen some fake videos on social media and decided to replicate them. They had a spray bottle and a lighter with them, and unfortunately the spray was aimed at Joseph and started burning his shirt.”

Joseph suffered burns to over 25% of his body, including second and third degree burns to his face, hands and torso.

Chris Bowles, battalion chief of the Bakersfield Fire Department and president of the Firefighters Burn Foundation, says, “The initial injury is short-lived in terms of treatment and care, but the emotional healing can last a lifetime.”

Joseph has had at least 10 surgeries so far, and this may just be the beginning. Reconstruction, scar removal and follow-up treatment may be possible later.

And all because of a video… on social media…

“He's not the first. We've seen an increase in injuries through social media, where kids are watching and imitating them,” Ticyanna Clark said.

Joseph was discharged on Monday, but doctors say they will continue to monitor him as needed.

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