
Richmond County Election Commissioner Fights Manual Ballot Counting

Richmond County Election Commissioner Fights Manual Ballot Counting

AUGUSTA, Georgia – Georgians are reacting to the Decision of the State Election Commission to require manual counting of ballots on election night.

Friday's 3-2 vote came against the advice of the attorney general, the secretary of state's office and a coalition of county election officials led by Travis Doss, executive director of the Richmond County Board of Elections.

The Georgia Association of Voter Registration and Election Officials believes the rule changes could hinder elections and lead to more errors.

Doss had asked the board to delay any new rules until after the November election. He said the group was “deeply concerned that dramatic changes at this stage would disrupt the preparation and training processes already underway for poll workers, absentee voting, early voting and Election Day preparations.”

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump (left) and Republican Vice President ...

He said rule changes at this time would create unnecessary confusion for both the public and poll workers.

“We are already in the midst of extensive training of our poll workers and preparing for one of the largest and most closely monitored elections in years,” Doss said in a statement before the vote. “Any last-minute change in the rules could undermine public confidence in the electoral process and place undue pressure on the people responsible for running the polls and administering the election. This could ultimately lead to errors or delays in voting, and that is the last thing anyone wants.”

Travis Doss
Travis Doss

At a time when it is more important than ever to maintain public confidence in elections, changes so close to election day would only cause concern and anxiety among voters, the group said.

Before the vote, Georgia Attorney General Alan Carr said the Election Commission would exceed its authority by implementing new rules.

In a memo to panel members, he said there is no provision in state law allowing ballots to be counted manually at polling places. The memo said the rule is “not bound by any law” and is “likely exactly the kind of impermissible legislation that authorities should not be allowed to implement.”

Such a lawsuit is already underway.

In a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the rules, Democrats argue that the state election board exceeded its legal authority. The trial is scheduled for October 1.

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Since August, the GOP-controlled board has been criticized for several changes.

The three board members who voted for the measure were “praised by former President Donald Trump during a rally last month in Atlanta.”

Kelton Allen is a Georgia voter who has been following the panel's decisions and is concerned about the timing.

“This could potentially cause confusion and make people feel like they shouldn't vote because their vote may not be safe… this undermines the security of the election,” Allen said.

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“This only divides us as a country, as a state, as a people, especially now as we approach an election and try to change the way we conduct elections,” he said.

State Rep. Dexter Sharper said he believes the electronic voting system is the most reliable way to reassure voters and that a new procedure should not be introduced until after a high turnout.

“I think they thought this was the best way to make sure people felt like their vote counted and made a difference and that the process was fair for everyone,” Sharper said.

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