
Some minor injuries after school bus accident in Ashland

Some minor injuries after school bus accident in Ashland

The Ashland School District said a school bus was involved in an accident at 8:03 a.m. Monday. The district said emergency personnel responded and everyone was safe, although some of the passengers sustained minor injuries. The injured were taken to Tamarack Health Medical Center for evaluation.

There is no further information yet on how and where exactly the accident occurred, only that it occurred in the city of Ashland.

School officials say it was Lakeshore Bus Company bus No. 3, bound for Lake Superior Elementary School. The school has contacted parents and guardians of the children involved.

The students were reportedly taken to school to either continue their classes or to be picked up by a parent or guardian.

In a letter to parents, the district thanked the Lakeshore Bus Company and emergency personnel for “their quick and excellent response to this situation.”

WDIO has reached out to Ashland Police for more details but has not yet received a response.

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