
Kamala Harris's ethnicity: Janet Jackson says Kamala Harris is not black, apologizes (or not) and fires spokeswoman

Kamala Harris's ethnicity: Janet Jackson says Kamala Harris is not black, apologizes (or not) and fires spokeswoman

Since Janet Jackson said she was not black, a lot has been happening around Kamala Harris' ethnicity. After that statement, one of her spokespeople apologized, but then the pop star claimed she had nothing to do with the apology. The spokesperson who wrote the apology said he was fired by Janet and her brother because of disagreements on the issue of Kamala Harris' ethnic identity. So the fact is, Janet Jackson said Kamala Harris was not black and did not apologize for it.
Janey told the Guardian she had heard that Kamala Harris was Native American and her father was white. “That's what I was told. I mean, I haven't seen the news in a couple of days. I was told they found out her father was white,” Jackson said, echoing Donald Trump's doubts about whether Kamala Harris was Native American or black, which recently became a major point of contention between the Republican Party and the Democrats.
Kamala Harris' father, Donald J. Harris, is from Jamaica and her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, is from India. She claimed to be both black and Indian. At the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago, Donald Trump said he did not know Kamala Harris was black and that she would become black before the election.
After Jackson reiterated what MAGA veterans have long said, an apology statement came from her representative, Mo Elmasri.
“She acknowledges that her statements regarding Vice President Kamala Harris' ethnic identity were based on misinformation. Janet respects Harris' dual heritage as Black and Indian and apologizes for any confusion. She values ​​the diversity Harris represents and understands the importance of celebrating that in today's society. Janet remains committed to promoting unity and understanding.”
Jackson said Elmasri does not represent her and the apology statement has no bearing on Elmasri. Elmasri told the Daily Beast he was fired over disagreements on this particular issue. He said he was inundated with phone calls after Jackson rejected the apology statement, but he reiterated his “full support for Kamala Harris.”

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