
Joko ignores instructions – sender responds immediately

Joko ignores instructions – sender responds immediately

Joko has to realize that some ideas are rightly rejected by the sender. And at least the fans of the show don't have to worry about not having enough entertainment during the approved games. Next, Joko presents what is actually a normal question-and-answer quiz, but the answers are to be spoken by the stars into a very special microphone. These are played over loudspeakers in public shopping centers and train stations, among other places – much to the irritation of passers-by there.

During “The Dark Knight Knows It,” Joko turns off all the studio lights. The lights on the respective desk only come on when the buzzer sounds – but the candidates only have 15 seconds of this available. The big risk here is that if ProSieben only broadcasts black for around 30 seconds, an emergency tape is automatically played, as Joko explains. Luckily, Tommi Schmitt generously donates his lighting to the studio – even if it is not always planned.

“I'm so stupid,” the podcaster complains, as he once again forgets that the time runs down after the buzzer sounds. To his advantage, the 35-year-old had already built up a big lead and ultimately left Kurt Krömer, Nina Chuba and wildcard Chiara behind him in terms of points. As in the first episode, the final is: Tommi Schmitt against Joko Winterscheidt.

What Joko noticed during the show: In the short breaks, Tommi had come up to him several times since the camera was on to ask if he knew a certain question. Tactic? “You smell so good. That's why I always got so close to you. It really smells fantastic,” croaked Tommi. Joko doesn't know his scent, but his opponent recognized it straight away: “Victoria Beckham from Rossmann, 12.99 euros.” Joko just laughs and gives him the middle finger.

But then things get serious – especially for Tommi Schmitt, who suddenly panics shortly before a possible victory: “God, do I even want this? I don't want to host this. I'm scared.” The podcast celebrity is actually the first candidate in the eighth season to beat Joko Winterscheidt in the final and ultimately signs the hosting contract. So the next episode on Sunday evening, September 29th, 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben will be: “Who will steal the show from Tommi Schmitt?”

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