
Deutsche Bahn: Mysterious sign irritates! THIS is what is behind it

Deutsche Bahn: Mysterious sign irritates! THIS is what is behind it

Great confusion among Deutsche Bahn customers! Anyone who travels by train is generally prepared for stress and hassle. Delays, cancellations, construction sites, broken toilets, signal boxes or on-board bistros – you often need nerves of steel. And with a few exceptions, the train stations are not particularly inviting either.

But when mysterious Deutsche Bahn signs are put up that you can't really decipher at first or even second glance, many people lose their patience. Or at least the irritation is so great that they become annoyed with Deutsche Bahn once again.

Deutsche Bahn: Mysterious sign irritates customers

A photo of a mysterious and, for many, unknown sign has been posted on Reddit – apparently from Deutsche Bahn at a train station. The yellow sign shows a red hand on a black background, with the inscription: “Caution – invisible markings!” The artificial DNA leads to the perpetrator and makes metals unsellable!” Huh, what does that mean? Artificial DNA? Invisible markings?

What initially sounds like science fiction has a serious background. Metal thieves are causing headaches for Deutsche Bahn and the Federal Police. They often steal entire metal materials from construction sites, whether cables, pipes or even entire plates, in order to resell them at a profit. And it is precisely against these criminals that Deutsche Bahn is using artificial DNA.

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Deutsche Bahn explained to the “Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine” (HNA): “Together with the Association of German Metal Traders, we have initiated a special certification.” This will make it easier to identify stolen parts and reliably check them when they are purchased. Thanks to the application of artificial DNA, stolen material can be clearly identified.”

More news:

And further: “The DB sprays a liquid with a DNA code on it that is invisible to criminals.” This DNA becomes visible with UV light. A second code reveals where the material was stolen. If the metal thieves try to remove the marking, the DNA material ends up on tools, clothing and hands. With UV light, proof of the theft is quickly provided.” Clever!

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